Frog Street Pre-K is a comprehensive, dual-language curriculum designed to meet the needs of diverse learners while supporting 10 learning domains.
The new Frog Street Literature Collections include a series of pre-k and preschool book titles organized by developmental domain or content area to help expand early childhood literacy development in the classroom -- all at special discounted rates!
Offering a variety of preschool and pre-k book sizes and genres, the Literature Collections will help to enhance a child's love of reading and improve kindergarten readiness. The theme-based options in this pre-kindergarten reading program include Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, Social & Emotional, Physical Development, and Make Believe (Traditional Tales and Fantasy). Build a rich, diverse literature library in your early childhood program with these engaging fiction and non-fiction titles!
Frog Street Literature CollectionsThe Literacy Collection includes alphabet books, cumulative tales, poems and rhymes, wordless books, and storybooks.
Alphabet books build alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness, including letter names and sounds. Cumulative tales encourage memory, prediction, and sequencing skills. Awareness of rhymes helps develop memory, language, and reading skills. Wordless books help to develop vocabulary and language skills — and provide opportunities for writing. They foster observation and critical thinking, improve comprehension skills, and promote creativity and imagination.
This Literacy Collection is available in English, Spanish, and Dual-language. Visit the Frog Street store to order and see the complete list of pre-k and preschool book titles in the Literacy Collection.
Have fun with these seven engaging math titles featuring: numbers and operations, geometry, spatial sense, patterning, AND a Building Math Skills and Concepts resource guide. This excellent resource guide features activities that guide young children through a continuum of math skills.
This Math Collection is available in English, Spanish, and Dual-language. Visit the Frog Street store to order and see the complete list of pre-k and preschool titles in the Math Collection.
The sixteen books in the Science Collection include topics from the areas of earth science, life science, and physical science.
The Science Collection includes nine informational books on animals. Books about animals are best loved by young children. The Welcome to Zippity Zoo book helps children understand elements of Concepts of Print, for example, a Glossary.
This Science Collection is available in English, Spanish, and Dual-language. Visit the Frog Street store to order and see the complete list of titles in the Science Collection.
The titles in the Social Studies Collection cover a wide range of topics, including family, community, transportation, construction, and diversity. The Social Studies Collection guides children to explore and understand the world around them.
These preschool and pre-kindergarten reading books can also help young learners understand how a book is organized, for example, using a Table of Contents (concepts of print).
This Social Studies Collection is available in English, Spanish, and Dual-language. Visit the Frog Street store to order and see the complete list of titles in the Social Studies Collection.
Reading appropriate stories to children can provide a meaningful way to support social and emotional skills. The titles in this pre-k and preschool book collection help with assertiveness, sharing, making good choices, kindness, helpfulness, anticipation, self-regulation, relationships, friendships, and more!
This Social-Emotional Collection is available in English, Spanish, and Dual-language. Visit the Frog Street store to order and see the complete list of pre-k and preschool book titles in the Social-Emotional Collection.
Reading books that encourage movement can benefit children in many ways, including increasing the ability to focus, strengthening muscles, improving coordination, helping regulate emotions, and enhancing language development.
The Continuum of Physical Development guide features activities that help young children develop important physical skills. Differentiated Instruction suggestions for all activities, including gross and fine motor activities, are included.
This Physical Development Collection is available in English, Spanish, and Dual-language. Visit the Frog Street store to order and see the complete list of preschool and pre-k book titles in the Physical Development Collection.
Reading traditional stories with children will help to foster curiosity, boost imagination, develop a positive outlook, promote understanding of a lesson learned, enhance vocabulary, help recognize characters and settings, and provide enjoyment.
Teachers will love using the resource book, Creative Storytelling, written by well-known and best-loved early childhood storyteller Mary Jo Huff. This pre-k and preschool book includes many suggestions and patterns for incorporating storytelling into your daily routine.
This Make Believe Collection is available in English, Spanish, and Dual-language. Visit the Frog Street store to order and see the complete list of preschool and pre-k book titles in this Make Believe Collection.
To learn more about our products and professional development services, talk to your Frog Street Account Executive today.