Analiza Laguitan
The HOW and WHY When It Comes to Curriculum Fidelity
Session Description:
This session shows teachers and administrators what it means to implement a curriculum with fidelity. It includes tips for implementing Curriculum with Fidelity and how closely your program applies curriculum content and processes as designed and the keys to ensuring interactions and activities that result in children’s learning outcomes and school readiness. This session will look at the tools and structure needed to establish a system for monitoring implementation.
Analiza’s Bio
Analiza Laguitan is an Early Childhood professional and an administrator with 17 years of experience with children ages 0-5 years old. She is currently employed as an Early Head Start Education Coordinator and has a work history of 32 years as an educator. Analiza has served as an elementary teacher, a pre-school teacher, an assistant supervisor, a site supervisor, and a program specialist. She demonstrates strong knowledge regarding direct services and assistance towards low-income families with children, working with non-profit organizations. She oversees planning, training, mentoring, and evaluation of education services for staff members. She specializes in professional teaching practices for Early Head Start Program.
Analiza is co-presenting with Tanitta Clark