Jill Molli
The School Family: Using the Power of Connection to Create School Reform
Session #1: The School Family: Using the Power of Connection to Create School Reform
Administrators and teachers are continually challenged to unite diverse individuals to work toward goals. Studies in schools nationwide reveal that a systematic approach to building community results in dramatic improvement in climate and academics. Discover a management model designed to meet the self-regulatory and social needs of all members from Pre-K to Principal. Learn customizable routines to de-stress, connect and focus as a team. Identify class structures to support practice of life skills such as active calming, assertive limit-setting and empathy.
Session #2: I Know You Know Better: Bridging the Gap Between “Knowing” and “Doing”
Knowing right from wrong and doing right from wrong are two very different skills that are often confused as one in the same. Many children “know” it is helpful to share, but aren’t willing to give up the toy. Many adults “know” how to effectively address conflict in the classroom, but are not able to access the skill in the heat of the moment. This session helps you understand the difference between knowing and doing, and gives you the skills to unify knowing and doing within yourself, with coworkers and with children.
Jill’s Bio:
Jill Molli has a B.A. in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Counseling. She possess the gift of delivering the important message of Conscious Discipline with humor, which makes for a wonderful learning experience. Jill was selected as a Master Instructor because of her no-nonsense ability to get to the heart of a situation and her commitment to living Conscious Discipline principles at school and at home. Jill’s experience includes delivering state and national keynotes, teaching children with behavior disabilities, teaching elementary school and serving as a school counselor. Her background has proved invaluable in teaching schools and school districts how to implement Conscious Discipline. She has also taught hundreds of Conscious Discipline parenting classes, with audiences including imprisoned mothers, “Soccer Dads,” and parents interested in learning more about how to parent their children. Jill is a contagious source of enthusiasm for and knowledge about Conscious Discipline.