Kristy Pinkney
Beyond Centers and Circle Time
Session Description:
Join me for an interactive workshop on the importance of play. Together we will create rich theme-based play environments and role-play how to facilitate the activities within a preschool setting. Participants will learn the benefits of play, how to create rich theme-based play experiences, how to scaffold the pre/post play, the 6 stages of play, how to introduce advance language, assessing children through play, and how to teach multiple subjects though play.
Kristy’s Bio:
Kristy Pinkney is very passionate about early childhood education, especially the use of theme-based hands-on learning. She comes with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of Early Childhood Education. She has over 20 years of experience in the field of education, including 12 years working for a Head Start/Early Head Start program, 8 years working as a manger or director in a leadership role, and over 15 years of experience working in the non-profit sector. Kristy has held many roles within Head Start/Early Head Start, including training specialist, training manager, director of professional development, and now Director of Education, Professional Development, and Training. She has a master’s in education with a specialization in ECE, as well as a BA in Early Childhood Education Administration.